Sample image shown above is our Large sized V'DAY - Lovebug bouquet.
A romantic blend of lush roses, delicate carnations, and fresh greens, wrapped beautifully with a personal touch- your custom handwritten message (up to 3 words) elegantly inscribed on the wrapping. Thoughtful, unique, and made with love, it's the perfect way to express your heart this Valentine’s. 💘✨
Standard - 3 roses / 3 carnations
Medium - 6 roses / 3 carnations
Large (Pictured) - 9 roses / 3 carnations
If you have a preference for rose colors or wrapping/ribbon colors, please include that in the 'Note to Florist' section. Requests are subject to availability.
V'DAY - Lovebug
PriceFrom S$50.00